Advance Your Small Business With a Merchant Cash Advance
As a small business owner, you deserve to enjoy the same access to financial resources as larger, more established companies. Still, you likely run into financial obstacles in your quest to fulfill your business’s full potential. At Gladstone Commercial Capital, we want to help give you a boost without relying on credit unions or banks. A merchant cash advance can be of great help in providing you with the solution you need and deserve.
Understanding Merchant Cash Advances
If you are not familiar with merchant cash advances, then you likely are not familiar with how they work. Just like you can take out a cash advance with a credit card, you can do the same with your business’s credit card sales. You may prefer this to a traditional loan, especially if you do not have the best business credit. Additional reasons to rely on cash advances include:
- No need to offer collateral
- Use your advance however you would like, such as for advertising/marketing, hiring, inventory or buying new business equipment
- Little paperwork to complete
- Simple payback plan
- Quick access to funds
No longer must you deal with fixed payments or a loss of equity.
Learn More About Merchant Cash Advances
Would you like to learn more about cash advances for small businesses? Are you ready to apply for an advance? Contact our representatives today.